Jordan Minov
CEO, APRA at APRA Porter Novelli Balkans Communication Group

Jordan Minov is passionate, with excellent knowledge in the sphere of communications, especially in the field of media relations.
Results: driven expert, with great number of Macedonian, Regional and International Clients in the field of corporate management, communications management, media relations, lobbying and crisis communication.
Besides helping companies entering the newly - emerging Local market, Minov operates on a regional basis, supporting Companies and International organizations to develop their business relationships, locally, that includes market research, administrative support as well as strategic planning.
Takes part in
GR in Public-Private Partnership: Long term strategy for treatment of the Public and the Private Partner for proper and timely communication of the project, with means to prevent potential crisis in the public eye
For the purpose of providing transparent two-way communication, the below strategy tends to accurately and timely inform various publics (specific, media and the general public) about the type, manner and essence of the first major PPP project in North Macedonia. The risk of potential crisis for this project exists on several levels, such as political, economic, current actual similar services, etc.
From the strategy implemented so far, it can be concluded that, when it comes to communication of this type of partnership, a key factor for successful communication is the relationship between the public and private partner, identically to Siamese twins.